If you live in Lagos and on the island here are few upcoming summer camps around you to consider.

5 Awesome Tips for Selecting the Right Summer Camp for Your Child
School is out, and summer holiday is here. Teachers and students are rejoicing while parents are almost indifferent about it . Lol. It’s probably time for parents to feel exactly what teachers feel; like how do you keep children busy for two months and still remain sane? Have you made plans for the summer […]
7 Summer Holiday Rules You Might Want to Consider
Yes, school is finally out and the summer holidays are here. My 10yr old son is over the moon because he imagines he will sleep any time he wants, watch TV all day and do anything he wants. I laugh in “latin” – because that is far from the truth.

The Bus Adventure
My friend’s 15yr old son who has just finished his IGSCE is doing an internship with my office. Like the doting mother she is, she decided to drop him off at work and pick him every day. This wouldn’t be a problem if the internship was just for a couple of days or if […]

10 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Bad Grades
I recently observed that my neighbour’s daughter doesn’t seem to care about red flags in her report sheet, and her mother is constantly addressing the issue, usually with screams and threats. The other time, she didn’t open her homework throughout the day and later in the day, I heard her mother screaming as usual with […]

What Men Really Want for Father’s Day
This year, I decided to do a survey among my friends to find out what their ideal Father’s Day gift is. The result was both interesting and surprising. Men must really be uncomplicated and women are from Venus. I expected lots of paparazzi, over the top and out of the box thinking to guess what […]
Awesome Father of The Year
It’s been almost 25yrs since my father passed but I still remember him like yesterday. Growing up, all my major fun adventures were all with my Dad??. They might not of been as frequent as outings with my Mum ??but they were always OTT (Over the Top). I guess my Mum being the […]

How to Know if Your Child is Being Bullied
My 8year old son and his friend had both selected Boy Scouts as an after school activity since Year 1. So I was surprised when in Year 3, his friend’s Mum told me her son didn’t want to do Scouts any more. I decided to ask why. He said that there was a boy there […]

10 Fun Places to Take Your Child To in Lagos.
Believe it or not, there are loads of fun places to take your children to in Lagos. That’s why we have come up with a bucket list of fun places you must experience with your children. A “bucket list” is a list of goals you want to achieve, and life experiences you desire to experience […]

Parenting On Purpose Conference @mytph
If you missed the conference, you missed a lot. I saw people all around me taking lots of notes and I could easily understand why. Mrs Nkoyo Rapu, Mrs Chiadi Ndu and Mr Stephen Omojuyigbe all nailed it. My mind was blown and I had so many “Aha” moments. Been finding it hard to summarise […]