Imagine what life will be 15 years from now with all the innovations and advancements as well as uncertainties. One thing is crystal clear: A career in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) offers so much for our children; opportunity, the chance to shape our world and job stability in an increasingly tech-focused marketplace.
As such, the complexities of today’s world require all people to be equipped with a new set of core knowledge and skills to solve difficult problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and make sense of information they receive from varied print and, increasingly, digital media. The learning and doing of STEM help to develop these skills and a workforce where success results not just from what one knows, but what one is able to do with that knowledge.
Why should you step up your child’s interest in stem? Here are some interesting facts about STEM you must know to get you to work!
- 50% of economic growth in the last 50 years was due to advances in technology. All key companies revolutionising our lives (Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, etc) – STEM powers them.
- Maths and STEM would be key drivers of long-term economic growth
- Between 2017 and 2027, the number of STEM jobs is expected to double, compared to non-STEM jobs—with positions in computing, engineering, and advanced manufacturing leading the way.
- STEM jobs would pay twice the average salary of non-STEM jobs. Generally, 90% of future jobs require digital literacy.
- The demand in STEM-related careers will be greater than the number of individuals interested in those careers.
- 58% of all new jobs in STEM are in computing (coding, etc)
- China and India had the most STEM graduates in 2016 with 4.7 million and 2.6 million graduates respectively.
- Anyone can move into a STEM-related career. Students can pursue a STEM education outside of school – summer camps, online, volunteer programs, etc
- Over 50% of teenagers have never considered a career in a STEM-related field
- Only 1 in 5 College students feel that their primary and secondary school education prepared them for STEM college courses
- More than half of teenagers (55%) would be more interested in STEM simply by having teachers who enjoy the subjects they teach.
- If we don’t engage students by 5th grade in STEM, 92% of boys and 97% of girls will lose interest.

It is increasingly important to focus on STEM in early education (kindergarten and primary school). Children are the future of tomorrow’s workforce, so they need to be exposed early to be able to prepare and qualify to fill in the soaring STEM vacancies. But more importantly STEM education nurtures creativity, critical, collaboration and communication which are the critical skills of the future.
Shop a selection of the best stem kits for kids here