Back to school safety tips during COVID-19


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As back-to-school looms, every parent is probably in between decisions on whether it is safe to send the kids back to school or not. Wherever you stand at the moment, here are five back to school safety tips during the pandemic.

  • Sing the precautionary measures to your child everyday.

Yes, you have demonstrated this enough , I have done same too but I have seen my child leaving his face mask in the car, I have for the umpteenth time reminded him to also wash his hands after touching common surfaces. Same goes with touching his face too often. As they return to school, remind them about social distancing, wearing a mask and washing hands.

  • Know the safety measures being implemented in your child’s school

On the minimum, the school must have made necessary changes to the classrooms, walkways, and buses to ensure social distancing. The use of shared equipment must be minimized too with constant disinfection of commonly touched areas.

  • Listen to your child’s concerns and worries.

Does your child seem to have worries and excessive fear or anxiety about the public health situation, ask about the fears, and try to reassure and give a sense of control.

  • Seek professional advice if your child has any underlying medical condition ; Take advice from the school management and medical expert if your child has any underlying medical condition. It is most likely that you might want to hold on with physical classroom for your child. Whatever decision you take, let your parental instincts guide you.
  • Use games to reinforce the everyday precautions. We have developed a back to school safety game to help kids get used to the new normal. Check to see how much your child know about safety measures. Click here to learn more