The Key to Success is….

The Key to Success is….

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“The people who get things done, who lead, who grow and who make an impact… those people have goals” – Seth Godin

The simple act of setting goals puts you in the top 10% of all people. And these top 10% are those that end up successful.

If you want to accomplish something in life and you don’t establish clear and specific goals, it’s more like daydreaming than goal setting.

Goal setting is powerful because it provides focus, shapes our dreams and gives us the ability to clearly articulate the exact actions we need to take in order to get everything in life we desire.

The secret to great goals is to ensure the goals are SMART.

S – specific

M– measurable

A – achievable

R – realistic

T – time bound

Besides keeping your SMART goals in mind, we recommend writing them down and reviewing them regularly – at least once per week.

If you don’t know where to start, below are some recommended goals for 2020:

  1. Incorporate more tech: Education is about preparing children for the future and technology is a major part of that future. As an Educator, it is important that you constantly explore learning new technologies that would help your students as well as improve your productivity and efficiency as what new technology would you learn this year? – Google Classroom, 9ijakids, OneNote, Kahoot, Book Creator, etc.

2. Implement new teaching techniques: Education today revolves more around encouraging student to awaken their curiosity and desire to learn. A number of different teaching techniques have emerged due to technology. So, which one will you be implementing in your classroom this year – Flipped learning, Game-based learning, Project-based learning, etc. Or would you move your students up the bloom taxonomy from just remembering and recalling facts to evaluating and creating?

3. Join an online community of teachers: Every teacher needs to connect with other teachers and educators in the locality and from all over the world. Share ideas and strategies to making classroom more interesting and fun. Talking to others who share your passions and frustrations can be an incredibly energizing and inspiring connection. There are so many opportunities for learning, sharing and collaboration. Follow teachers and communities on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

4. Cultivate relationships with colleagues: Collaboration is the new currency in today’s world. Building relationship with fellow teachers in your school and outside the school has a major impact on your growth and success. These individuals can be your mentors, friends, or your go-to people when you are in need of ideas and expertise in various areas. Take time to nurture, network with teachers and administrators from other schools to get familiar with the community around you. Remember collaboration is give and take.

5. Self-development: You cannot give what you don’t have! As a teacher, it’s important to find time for yourself. Whether it is growing in your field of expertise or increasing knowledge about everything else, there is always the need to be a better person than you were yesterday. Attend seminars, trainings, retreats, conferences and other events for teachers. Don’t wait for your school, look for events and courses to develop yourself this year.

6. Read more books: Reading is a skill that shouldn’t only be developed by students but by teachers as well. As a teacher it is important to keep on learning by reading books and research articles/ online journals. Constant reading ensures you are up to date with topics in your subject area.

7. Take a certification: It is very important to take time and acquire professional certifications as a teacher. Ensure these certifications are competent in the general practice of imparting knowledge and increasing your teaching skills. Examples include international teacher certificate (ITC), early childcare teachers training (ECC), etc.

8. Make learning fun (add fun activities to your lesson plan): Let’s face it, learning can sometimes be boring. Your goal as a teacher is to keep your students constantly engaged. Be creative, add interactive games and warm-up activities that will make your students eager for the next lesson.  Make it fun by turning worksheets into games and lessons into experiments. Take learning outside and give your students more choices.

After setting goals, then what next?

A secret to successful goal setting is to have a clear picture of what needs to be done each and every day to move one step closer towards achieving your goal.

So, what action step(s) do you need to take today to move you closer to your goals?

If your goal is to get a certification, have you registered for the course/exam?

If your goal is to use more technology and make learning more engaging and fun for your students, have you downloaded the 9ijakids app?

9ijakids have over 200 games that covers academics, bible, heritage, values and entrepreneurship. Don’t wait. Download the 9ijakids app today from any of the app store and enjoy 30 days FREE trial.