Making homework fun

Five Ways to Make Homework Fun for Kids

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When you say the word “homework” you can literally hear parents sigh and roll their eyes. Homework has always been a touchy subject even from way back. It was practically one of the things I particularly dreaded and of course doing anything possible to avoid. It’s still the same today when you tell your kids “Do your homework’‘, the whining, procrastinating, and even tantrums that often ensue are a pointer to the fact that homework is not fun. But does it have to be this way? No, it doesn’t. Perhaps if it were made fun (while still educational of course) there wouldn’t be much fuss!  Here are five suggestions to make homework fun your kids

  • Do it together

No, this doesn’t mean do it for them. Being part of the exercise has a lot of advantage for the child. For instance, having your child dictate the answers to you will make them be a lot more interested in whatever subject it is.  Statistics have consistently show that parents who play an active role in their child’s homework or schoolwork do much better in terms of grades.  So, rather than leaving them all alone, get involved and be creative with things. 

  • Tough things first when energy level is highest.

Consider doing the tough part of the homework first when the energy is still blazing. If they must struggle at all, at least it is the best time unlike if they have to expend the energy on the somewhat cheap ones and start struggling with the hard ones when they are tired.

  • Consider Inviting their friends occasionally.

Group effort can be a major boost.  Even adults in universities gather occasionally to do projects together. The advantage of this is that they can leverage each other’s strength. For kids, it can be a lot motivating if you have them do it in group occasionally. Think of this as a subtle kind of educational playdate by having your kids invite classmates to read, write and do math equations together.

  • Use incentives

An incentive can be your magical motivator, use it to get them to do their homework without a fight or tantrums.  For instance, an incentive can be offered as a reward for completing their homework or for even doing their homework without you reminding them. Whenever they complete their homework or pick it up without you first reminding them, give them a treat.  However, don’t overuse this.

  • Breaks

This should probably sound counter intuitive to you but trust me, that homework that last at least an hour should have a break in between. Breaks in between can be a few minutes long to give your child a chance to revitalise with a healthy drink, light snack or even some brief physical exercise. It works and it makes it fun.

  •  Learning Apps

Homework doesn’t need to be boring. Children love playing, so why not incorporate that into their studies? The truth is kids have a low attention span and they get bored easily but with educational games, you can never be wrong. There are several educational games that can come to your rescue ranging from scrabble to teach them vocabulary or fun maths app. 9ijakids can be your major go-to resources too for visual examples and games that help your child practice concepts and get familiar with subjects they are struggling with.

So, make homework fun by downloading  9ijakids app that makes the subject easy for your child.  Homework is fun with 9ijakids, no need to mark worksheets and answers are provided to the child instantly.

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