Back to School Prayers for Mums

Back to School Prayers for Mums

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Have you seen the memes that say ”My mother’s prayer keeps me going’‘? ”I come from a prayerful black woman; I can never fail “? They appear like ordinary memes, but they reflect the importance of mother’s prayers on their children. For we adults, some of the grace we enjoy today were all a result of our mothers’ prayers. I remember growing up, my mum will come to our room very early in the morning, lay hands on our heads and pray while we are half awake. Those things were meaningless to us back then but to her, she was simply sowing into our present and future. As parents, one of the best ways we can prepare our children as they prepare for back to school is by praying for them.

Here are 4 back to school prayer ideas for your child

  • Blessing and Protection prayer: Pray for blessing and protection upon your kids in the new school year, guidance and favour and the grace to have positive healthy relationships with peers and teachers.
  • A teachable spirit and motivation to work hard: The key to understanding and doing well in school is having a teachable spirit. Form a prayer around this area and the grace to be open to what they are learning. Pray against forgetful spirit and resistant to learning.
  • Godly influences and friendships: Evil association corrupt good manners, pray against negative influence. Also, pray that God will protect them from conforming to the ways of the world.
  • Confidence to stand up for what is right: Pray against peer pressure and the grace to resist it, the courage to speak against indiscipline (cheating, stealing, bullying, etc.) and any teaching contrary to what you teach them as parent.
  • Kindness spirit: Kids need to be taught how to be kind or show kindness to people around them. Pray for God’s gift of kindness and compassion for them as they start a new school session. It is our responsibility to raise Godly kids and we need God to help us succeed. Therefore, there is not much we can achieve without praying for our kids

You may tailor these prayers according to the needs of your child. If your child is struggling with any subject or if you notice his/her result in a subject last session wasn’t encouraging, you could pray along that line too.  And one last thing, don’t pray alone, let them say after you, let them imitate whatever you say and learn the act of talking to their maker.  

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