11 Fun Facts About Nigeria Every Child Should Know

11 Fun Facts About Nigeria Every Child Should Know

Sometimes last year during Independence Day church program, a child asked her mother, mummy tell me more about Nigeria and the mother answered after few seconds of being dumbfounded, what would you like to know? How hilarious lol. Obviously, nothing came to her mind but just to at least answer the child, she responded with […]

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Are you Raising a Patriotic Child?

Are you Raising a Patriotic Child?

October 1st can most times be a sobering day, because you are tempted to think that Nigeria as  nation has not achieved much. It seems we take two steps forward and five backwards. But I like to always be optimistic and look at the glass as half full rather than half empty. While there are […]

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I was reading through a post recently about homework for kids. I came across a comment by a woman that says “My first-grade son was required to research a significant person from history and write a paper of at least two pages about the person, with a bibliography. How can he be expected to do […]

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Your Child’s Friends – Friend or Foe?

Your Child’s Friends – Friend or Foe?

There are times when my child says or does something and I’d be like “where did he get that from?”. I start the elimination process – Definitely not from home, not school/teachers. Of course, I know myself and I know my child’s school and teachers.  So usually I’m left with friends or TV. Children spend […]

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