Our Story
Hello everyone.
I’m Titi Adewusi, a mother of 2 boys(aged 8 and 10) and one of the Co-Founders of 9ijakids – a pioneering Edtech Company that develops fun games for children.
It all started with the challenges I experienced while educating my younger son, a typical digital native. I noticed that he could play games on any phone or tablet but couldn’t and wasn’t interested in learning. When it cames to school work, he had a million procastination excuses like: I am tired, I am sleepy, I want to drink water, I am hungry, etc. Give him a phone or tablet and he transforms into a genius. Does this sound familiar?
We had this running battle until I came across this quote, “If a child doesn’t learn the way you teach him, then teach him the way he learns”
I did some research and discovered that the best way to remember anything is to make it fun. Turn the learning into song, hands on activity, stories or games and it becomes memorable.
I still remember how many rivers there in Africa. No, I am not a genius, I just remember the song. Same with the bible verses I know. I knew lots of streets in London even before I ever visited. No, it wasn’t what I learnt from school, I learnt it from a game called Monopoly.
At 9ijakids, our strategy is simple, we develop games that children love, to teach them core skills and values. So learning seems, feels and sounds effortless.
Our games are fun and cut across various topics in Maths, English, Science, Values like Honesty, Bullying, Courage, Courtesy, Nigerian heritage, Financial Literacy/Entrepreneurship and the Bible.
We believe education is about the total child .
You can Download 9ijakids today, buy any of our bundles to stand the chance of winning a surprise gift for your child. Thank you.
Team 9ijakids

Titi Adewusi
strategy and marketing
Titi is a seasoned Management Consultant with over 18 years working experience. She started working in the banking sector before she joined one of the Big Four Multinational Audit and Consulting firm where she worked for over 10years providing business solutions to clients spanning a number industries – Telecom, Financial Services, Oil and Gas, etc. Titi rose to Senior Manager level before joining a multi million dollar fast food restaurant as a member of the Executive Management team. She founded 9ijakids with two of her sisters with a vision of developing learning games and resources that make learning fun.

Yeside Ogunremi
game design & development
Yeside is a project management professional (PMP) based in Lagos Nigeria. She started out with IBFC Agusto Training and moved on to Accenture one of the leading global consulting firms and eventually became an entrepreneur. She has over 10 years consulting experience covering deployment of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, process optimization and improvement, market analytics, performance management as well as training. She has worked with clients from different industries within and outside the country before going to start her own IT solutions company. She is one of the founding members of 9ijakids.

Dayo Amusu
platform and marketplace
Dayo is a UK based Entrepreneur, Startup Mentor and Technology Advisor. She started her career as a Computer Engineer with International Computer Limited (ICL) in Nigeria before relocating to the UK. She has over 30 years of management experience spanning innovation, data analytics, artificial intelligence, digital transformation and product development with organisations such as Coca-Cola, ITV, South-Eastern Train and Network Rail. She is one of the founding members of 9ijakids.

Fisayo Ogundipe
learning and development
Fisayo heads the Science Department at a British school based in Dubai. She started her career in banking in Nigeria where she worked for over 7 years managing and providing tailored services for high net worth individuals before relocating to Dubai. She is keen about innovation and mentoring linked to teaching and learning which lead to her retraining to become a teacher and has risen in her career to head of science at her school. She mentors teacher trainees from universities in Dubai and also carries out in house staff training linked to innovation and best teaching practices.