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STEAM Fun Fest special 2021

We are back bigger and better. You don’t want to miss out!!! Let’s Spark your child’s love for STEAM with our STEAM Fun Fest webinar on children’s day.

Date: 27th May 2021
Time: 12noon – 2pm
Venue: Zoom

Let them explore a variety of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) activities.

FREE but registration is required.

Register NOW!!!

Spark your child’s creativity

STEAM Workshops

Join any of our five (5) STEM breakout rooms to be part of fun activities on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.

Career Talk

STEAM is NOT only about Coding/Programming . Let them listen to different children talk about their STEAM journey, achievements and challenges.

STEAM Competition

Your child will send in a 1 min video of their STEAM creation to be one of the top 10 finalists of our STEAM Competition & win lots of awesome prizes.


Learning should be fun. Make it to the leaderboard during our game time with our super exciting STEAM game.

Don’t miss out!!!

This promises to be a FUN filled learning experience for the kids.

Let’s spark the love for STEAM with our STEAM Fun Fest.

Register NOW!!!